Multi Core
Incredibly Fast - Whether your CPU has two cores or 32, Manifold uses all of them everywhere for super fast speed and instant response. Only Manifold does that.
Incredibly Fast - Whether your CPU has two cores or 32, Manifold uses all of them everywhere for super fast speed and instant response. Only Manifold does that.
Even Faster - Raw speed is big fun. More CPUs and more cores mean easier workflow, faster geoprocessing, and instant analytics, even with bigger data. It's all automatic.
Insanely Fastest - Manifold automatically uses thousands of cores on multiple GPUs. Do in seconds what takes hours with other tools. Enjoy life with Manifold speed.
"Merging is fantastically fast in M9. I merged some lidar tiles a while back in a project which already contained nearly half a TB of lidar data. The 30000x22000 surface was merged and written to a new component in the project in an eye watering 3.5 seconds." - Forum post
Manifold Release 9 is a new GIS that runs far faster, delivers superior data science capabilities, cuts through routine GIS tasks, and handles bigger data with better quality than Esri or any other GIS, all at a lower cost of ownership than free alternatives,
"To process even one modest piece of down sampled LiDAR within my region in ArcMap took ~60 hours to produce the 30 inundation layers. As I mentioned previously, this may then require fixing and a re-run of the process. The same process on the same DEM using Manifold 9's distance toolset takes around 40 seconds per layer or 20 minutes for the 30 intervals." - Government user, computing flood levels (emphasis added)
Master all data in tables, vector geometry, raster data, drawings, maps and images. Connect to many sources at once to blend, prepare, extract, transform, load, analyze, validate, visualize and explore your data. Transform data in-place within existing storage or within Manifold. Manifold plays with all. Enjoy huge capacity and speed - hundreds of GB, even a terabyte, on your desktop. Keep up with the fastest Enterprise DBMS and run ahead of all others. No more crashes - Manifold can easily handle data that crushes ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, or QGIS. Get it done right, and get it done fast with Manifold.
"What I value almost more than raw speed however is the rock solid reliability. I know that I can throw something massive at M9 and it will just work. It isn't going to die 20 mins or even 20 hrs into the process without warning." - Forum post
Manifold combines the visual and spatial power of GIS with the massive data science power of built-in parallel DBMS: Easily accomplish what GIS alone or traditional DBMS tools cannot do. Manifold is both a killer parallel DBMS and the world's most powerful GIS at the same time.
"Manifold 9's best feature is its wicked fast speed. It is great in all things but the rendering speed really is the best thing from an every day use point of view. It is what makes 9 so much easier to use than 8 and a host of other GIS's." - Forum post
Traditional DBMS and GIS tools come with painful tradeoffs: Classic DBMS tools provide great DBMS capabilities but are often limited by insufficient spatial know-how, difficult spatial workflow and challenging administration, while GIS tools like Esri may work OK for visualization but are crippled by brutally primitive database infrastructure and lack of real SQL built in. Say good-bye to fake SQL: enjoy the real thing with Manifold.
"I really love this product. It's so easy, it's so reliable." - Manifold user
Manifold provides the best of both worlds: combining the world's most advanced GIS spatial technology with the world's most advanced parallel spatial database technology. Enjoy superior spatial smarts in database work, and superior database smarts, like real SQL, in GIS. Modern technology is way more efficient, so Manifold can deliver superior quality and performance at a much lower price, only $145, all within a single, clean, easy to use desktop package that installs and launches easier than Microsoft Excel.
"Manifold's function works flawlessly, seamlessly piping the data from SQL Server, through the M9 function and the result back out to the table on SQL Server. It has replaced a slow ArcPy script of a few hundred lines with a few lines of SQL which achieve the same near instantaneously. The ability to use Manifold to supplement functions missing from other DBMS is amazingly powerful." - Corporate SQL Server setup, Forum post .
Manifold was created from the ground up as the fastest desktop spatial database ever, handling terabyte data using fully parallel DBMS techology and the most sophisticated, fully articulated, automatically parallel spatial SQL query engine ever. Manifold connects brilliantly to enterprise DBMS because Manifold itself is one of the most powerful DBMS packages ever created. Manifold includes hundreds of data formats and data sources, hundreds of military-grade, ultra high precision spatial algorithms, seamlessly integrated with incredibly fast GIS spatial data visualization, for the world's best GIS, all at one low price:
"To create a landform classification from TPI’s took 13 days in SAGA. In M9, it can be done in two 15-minute operations! Plus, I have the flexibility to alter the code and include TPIs at 3 scales for example, not 2. TWI is also fast in M9. The whole model building can now be done in M9 (no R or SAGA) as well as the post analysis. This is literally saving me weeks of processing time if not months!" - Forum post
Easy Wizardry - Over 300 automatic templates deliver data science genius for spatial and non-spatial data in tables, imagery, vector geometry and more. Easy to use!
Infinite Power - By far the world's most brilliant and complete spatial SQL, automatically parallel to handle huge, complex jobs with astonishing speed. No other desktop GIS has real SQL.
Have it All - Built-in support for 10 standard languages, including Javascript, C# and Microsoft languages. Use scripts in-line within SQL, and mix server-side and local SQL.
"I've recently set a school district up with 9 to help them in their efforts to get good internet to all the kids. The ability to stream Google aerial, free viewer, clean initial interface (not intimidating) and ability to add specific SQL queries for certain needs made the choice for using 9." - Forum Post
No need to learn multiple packages - Manifold does it all for only $145.
Manifold knows more formats and data sources than any other GIS. Manifold knows all Enterprise DBMS vendors, all raster and vector formats and all OGC and web servers. Manifold knows all projections worldwide. Instantly pop open 200GB images. Transform any raster. Edit millions of vectors, including curvilinear geometry. Vast capacity, stunning speed and godlike power. Nothing else comes close at any price. At $145, Manifold is a steal.
Running point-and-click or SQL-centric, Manifold runs faster than anything else for spatial work, automatically executing fully-parallel spatial SQL standalone within Manifold's parallel DBMS engine, or dispatched to your favorite DBMS, or in a mixture of both - all within the same query. Crunch big data using manycore CPU or massively-parallel GPU in Manifold, or use Manifold as the ultimate client to enhance your favorite DBMS. Manifold plays well with all.
"Never Crashes"... Really? Yes! Manifold is almost impossible to crash. You can expect to run Manifold all day, every day for twenty years without seeing a crash. Release 9 is built on Manifold's phenomenally bulletproof Radian® spatial database engine, proven against the most complex tasks by users worldwide. Feed it massively complex geoprocessing tasks or spatial SQL and Manifold executes with blistering speed and total accuracy. Every time. Manifold always runs no matter how complex your task, no matter how big your data and no matter how many cores go to work for you at lightning speed. Worried a big job will crash your GIS? Don't settle for software that crashes twice a week. Insist on honest quality. Get Manifold. Together with incredible speed and power, Manifold delivers rock-solid reliability.
"As a long time Manifold user, I'm simply awestruck by the performance gains. My colleagues are mostly Esri users, but a few simple demos of intersecting large spatial datasets have won admiration from all." - Forum post
Effortless power, point and click dialogs, endless capabilities and everything built into a single, unified package makes Manifold easy to play. Read, write or link to a seeming infinity of formats, so you can always get the data you want. Connect to any DBMS, anytime, anywhere. Use point and click dialogs or the SQL you already know and Manifold parallelizes it for you. Automatically. Rich dialogs preview changes on the fly so you are never surprised. Enjoy super fast editing, with instant response no matter how big the data.
Manifold installs in moments, less than 100MB to download. No need to buy anything else, no need to decode yet another quirky package, to find and download gigabytes of old code, or to spend endless hours playing software integrator writing scripts. Do what you want right now. Launch Manifold and make great things happen. Everything just works. Always.
"M9 is extraordinary, I love the speed it opens complex layers and the clean logical interface. " - Forum post, emphasis in the original
Manifold can use a GPU plug-in card to speed up many spatial functions by 50 to 100 times. A $150 GPU card provides a thousand cores to crush big jobs. Use a point and click dialog or the same SQL you already know: Manifold automatically creates and launches massively parallel GPU code. No manual coding required. Do in seconds what once took hours. Effortlessly. Only Manifold can do that.
Manifold speaks your language with easy localization. Enjoy Manifold in Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Dutch, Estonian, Filipino, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
Join the Community: The Manifold user community drives the rapid evolution of Manifold. Enjoy a direct connection to Manifold's full-time, professional team of developers, the most advanced development team in GIS and spatial ETL. Every week or two, Manifold issues a new build that responds to community priorities by delivering dozens of new features and other improvements per month, often delivered within days of request. Bugs are eliminated immediately, never lasting longer than a few days. No other GIS or spatial ETL package evolves at that speed, no other GIS delivers such high quality, and no other GIS, DBMS, or spatial ETL engineering organization implements community priorities as fast as Manifold.
See the video showing how Manifold does in 11 seconds for $145 what takes a $5000 toolset 20 minutes. Skilled professionals have better things to do than wait around for 20 minutes.
"Beauty, putting my kids through college with this stuff, thank you." - Forum post on new feature added at user request.
Image at right: Manifold computing Path Distance in 9 seconds, running 48 threads with 100% utilization (the vertical line at the right edge of each box) on a 24 core AMD Threadripper. Spatial Analyst on the same machine runs Path Distance with only nine instances at less than 30% utilization, taking 12 minutes. Add Manifold to your Esri toolset for faster geoprocessing.
"Oblique Mercator in Manifold 9 is astonishingly fast. I have an RGBA image 14401 x 18001 pixels in New Zealand Transverse Mercator (north up) which I am reprojecting on the fly to a custom Oblique Mercator projection (locally centred, east up) in a map. Display is instantaneous. Zooming and panning feel just as fast in the map, with quite heavy reprojection, as when viewing the image in its own window in its native projection. I don't know how this is even possible! Amazing stuff." - Forum post
Manifold Viewer is the free, read-only version of Manifold Release 9: no need to register, runs forever, no ads, no upsell, no soliciting donations - it's really free! Viewer is a great way to share the amazing projects you create in Manifold for free. Publish multi-hundred GB projects created in Manifold that anybody can pop open in 1/10th second for free using Viewer.
Publish projects that include automatic connections to your organization's databases and worldwide webserved data, and include pre-built, sophisticated analytics and dynamic reporting that users can launch with a point and click. Track pandemics, help first responders fight wildfires, or just help your organization do a better job. Viewer's small download, instant launch, and clean display - free of convoluted ribbons and endless, confusing buttons - make it perfect for unskilled users. Viewer includes full power Manifold CPU and GPU parallelism, so with Viewer a million people can share the dazzling analytics and insights you create with a single $145 Manifold license, all at fully parallel speed with no need to pay for costly, cloud-based, semi-parallel, web applications. Like Manifold, Viewer never crashes, no matter how big or complicated the job.
"Mfd 9 is becoming a really good tool for sharing data with non-GIS folks. Clean interface makes it easy to teach others simple tasks. Easy to transfer a project. Easy to install software. Free viewer." - Forum post
Users report Manifold Release 9's parallel technology is the fastest GIS, spatial ETL, and spatial DBMS technology ever. Manifold saves you time, labor and money by running faster than anything else. Search the Forum to see how well-known users report breakthrough performance gains, like this post:
"I have recently tinkering with lidar point cloud storage in Manifold Future and from what I have seen so far want to congratulate Manifold engineering on the incredible achievement that is the Radian Map format.
Out of idle curiosity, I have imported ever larger lidar pointclouds into MAP storage with a view to assessing whether Radian technology offers a potential solution to our ongoing problem we have with lidar storage, discovery and analysis.
Encouraged by my findings, I now have our organization's entire point cloud dataset and all las attribution stored as a single table containing some 1.72 billion points. Once imported, I have been absolutely astonished by the performance opening the map file which as shown in the screen grab below is ~0.4 of a second! Considering that following this blink of an eye, all of the data is available in a parallel data structure and ready to go with Radian's parallel analytics, this represents a huge achievement and opens up a host of possibilities.
How many records is 1.72 billion? I had no real comprehension, but at the height an individual record shows in attached the screen grab, if I were to scroll through the entire table, I'd be at it a while as it would be 6820 kilometers long! ... Sorry, I meant 8620km long even more astonishing." - Forum post
Radian is Manifold's own internal spatial DBMS and parallel engine. 8620 kilometers is bigger than the radius of the Earth. Manifold is so fast it can open and display a table that big in less than half a second, on a desktop computer. Amazing!
"I'm a guy that likes to use exceptionally powerful and capable software to leverage massively scaleable hardware to get work done. I know hardware and how to build really good workstations for GIS / remote sensing. [...] For me Manifold is the most exceptionally powerful geoprocessing tool I've ever encountered on a set piece of computer hardware, even going back to Manifold 8.0.25 back in 2009, let alone what it can do now. I just hope more and more people start to get past other venders "kool-aid" drinking mindset forking over gargantuan budgets to get less performance than what Manifold can do." - Forum post
A recent thread in the Manifold user forum asked how to find all parcels that are completely surrounded by a single other parcel, to find locations where easements may be hosting cell phone towers, or other isolated parcels. This video shows a fast and simple way of finding such parcels using Manifold Release 9 that is way easier than what you have to do in other GIS packages, like ArcGIS Pro.
"This shows why Mfd's approach to GIS is so good. Flexible tools that allow rapid GIS gymnastics. While version 8 was really great at this, 9 has the join dialogue and now cool drawing tools that add to the quiver. The rapid application of the tools from the minimalist interface makes finding solutions so much more enjoyable." - Forum post on the video above
Looking for a totally professional, superior quality, classic GIS at unbeatably low cost of ownership? Get Manifold System Release 8. Created by the makers of Manifold Release 9, Release 8 delivers by far the world's most reliable classic GIS, providing unmatched breadth and depth of professional and enterprise class power. Thousands of improvements during years of use worldwide ensure Release 8 continues to deliver outstanding value in GIS.
Manifold System Release 8 includes integrated Internet Map Server capability, neurofuzzy inferencing, total development with integrated forms, superior spatial SQL, and much more. Release 8 mixes native, enterprise-class DBMS capability with fully integrated vector drawings, images and full image editing, raster surfaces and multiple geometry types at once. Get it all in one package for superb analysis and cartography at a price you can easily afford.
"I went with the 64 bit Manifold... and it halved our processing time, its made a huge difference to our workflow. We're accomplishing vector geoprocessing tasks that took 8 days to complete in [a different package] in a couple of hours.... Very happy. The .NET object model is so easy too." (Forum posting)
Manifold Commander runs from a command line, and allows running SQL queries within a Manifold project or scripts either within the Manifold project or in external files. It allows launching commands to automatically do work without having to manually launch Manifold and operate it interactively. Using Windows Task Scheduler you can launch tasks using Commander on a regular schedule, such as updating a CSV every night for serving to clients, updating databases, or converting files into different formats.
The limited Manifold Server configuration in Universal edition allows one Server instance per machine launched from a Command Prompt window with a limited number of connections. A universal license is a single desktop license that includes simultaneous interactive use of Manifold 9 along with a Server instance, allowing interactive use at the same time the machine is running as a server. Best buy.
An unlimited number of connections takes advantage of cost-efficient, many core CPUs that can provide very many threads on server machines at low cost. Single machine license that includes simultaneous interactive use of Manifold 9 along with a Server instances, allowing interactive use at the same time the machine is running as a server. Outstanding value for workgroups and organizations
Manifold provides two upgrade options that allow you to trade in a license to get a higher valued product at a discount:
Licenses cannot be traded in if they were acquired as part of a discounted bundle. For example, a Release 9.00 Professional license acquired as part of a 4x Professional + Server discounted bundle cannot be traded in to get a discount on a Release 9.00 Universal license.
For an illustrated, step-by-step example showing how to take advantage of either of the above trade in offers, see the How to Upgrade page.
Manifold is a deep technology company creating advanced, parallel algorithms, next-level technology, and computation know-how that powers faster performance and smarter operations.
License Manifold® technology to power your company's products, or take advantage of Manifold's off-the-shelf commercial products. Jump decades ahead of your competition.
Manifold® brand products deliver quality, performance and value in the world's most sophisticated, most modern, and most powerful spatial products for GIS, ETL, DBMS, and Data Science. Total integration ensures ease of use, amazing speed, and unbeatably low cost of ownership. Tell your friends!