DNG is an Adobe raster image format similar to TIF. It provides no projection information and is primarily used for photography and non-spatial graphics arts.
To import from DNG format:
Choose File-Import from the main menu.
In the Import dialog browse to the folder containing data of interest.
Double-click the file ending in .dng to import that file
A table and an image will be created.
Clicking on the salzburg market... file for the file folder shown above will result in the creation of a table and an image that displays the data in the table.
We can double-click the image to view it.
The image seen above is the same photograph published in larger size and in zoomed-in detail on the Data Sources page on the Manifold website. The image was photographed tilted slightly to the right, with an uneven horizon.
Storing photos in Manifold - Although Manifold is used mostly for geographic data there are applications which utilize photographs that are convenient to store in a Manifold project where we can work on them with SQL and Manifold functions. Manifold is especially convenient for browsing collections of very large images that take too long to open in packages like PhotoShop.