NDE TAIF .nde, .edg, .fac

TAIF is TeleAtlas Interchange Format, used in Street Net and Multi Net data sets. Files are stored in a folder and imported using a master file with .nde, .edg or .fac extension.  Teleatlas was a Dutch digital mapping content company that was acquired by Tom Tom, a Dutch company that provides traffic, navigation and mapping products.  TAIF is a vector format primarily aimed at providing data for car and truck navigation.


This is an experimental dataport subject to change.  TAIF at the present time does not import with correct coordinate system information.  Upcoming builds should remedy that problem.



Tech tip:  There are often so many files within the folder hosting TAIF files that it is a good idea to choose NDE Files (*.nde) in the Files of type box to reduce the number of files from which the .nde file can be picked.



To import from NDE TAIF format:


  1. Choose File-Import from the main menu.

  2. In the Import dialog browse to the folder containing data of interest.

  3. Double-click the file ending in .nde or .edg or .fac for the data of interest.  

  4. All components, usually many components, from the .TAIF file will be imported.



We can double-click on components that are created to view them.    This particular TAIF file set stores drawings of interest for navigation in a portion of a town in France.



In the above illustration, the Edges layer (lines) and the Faces layer (areas) have been turned on.



Use Folders - Importing TAIF files can create many components.   To keep those from being mixed into existing components in a project, first create a folder and then, with the focus on the folder (click the folder in the Project pane to highlight it), do the import.  That will place all imported components into the folder.


See Also

Projects and .map Files









