IDRISI .rst format raster image files.    RST files do not contain coordinate system information.



To import from RST format:


  1. Choose File-Import from the main menu.

  2. In the Import dialog browse to the folder containing data of interest.

  3. Double-click the file ending in .rstfor the data of interest.

  4. A table and an image will be created.




We can double-click on images that are created to view them.



The image appears without using the correct projection.   That is a good reason to avoid using RST format whenever possible, to avoid the tedious work of finding out what coordinate system is supposed to be used and then assigning it.   



We use the Style pane to color the image using a palette and to apply hill shading, as seen above.   The diagonal and horizontal line features are in the original data.


See Also







GRD, Surfer .GRD