Transform - Datetime

Transforms which appear in the template list when a date and time field, of type datetime, has been picked in the Transform pane.


For examples and illustrations of options and available operations, click on the template's link to jump to that template's topic.



Perform arithmetic datetime operations: 


  • add time - Add specified amount of time units.
  • subtract time - Subtract specified amount of time units.

  • time after - Measure time difference after.
  • time before - Measure time difference before.


The add time and subtract time operations add or subtract the specified amount of time units (day, hour, millisecond, minute, second, or week) to the original date and return a new date value.


The time after and time before operations measure the difference in the specified amount of time units (dayhour, millisecond, minute, second, or week) between the original date and the second date and return a numeric value in time units.



Compose a datetime value from year, month, and day values.



Copy into the specified Result destination the desired extraction from datetime values in the source field.  Result types will automatically be adjusted to either datetime or float64.   Operations:


  • date and time - Copy into the specified datetime Result destination the datetime values in the source field.  
  • date without time - Copy into the specified datetime Result destination the datetime values in the source field, setting all time portions of the data time value to zero.  For example, the date without time result for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 12/25/2016 0:00:00.  
  • day - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the day of the month number of the datetime values in the source field.     For example, the day of the month number for a datetime value of 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 25.  
  • hour - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the hour of the day number, using 24 hour format, of the datetime values in the source field.     For example, the hour of the day number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 13.  
  • millisecond - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the millisecond number of the datetime values in the source field.   Many data sets do not bother recording greater time detail than seconds, so the millisecond number of datetime values is often zero.
  • minute - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the minute of the hour number of the datetime values in the source field.     For example, the minute of the hour number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 43.  
  • month - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the month of the year number of the datetime values in the source field.     For example, the month of the year number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 12.  
  • second - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the second of the minute number of the datetime values in the source field.     For example, the second of the minute number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 53.  
  • week - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the computed week of the year number of the datetime values in the source field.   Choosing the week operator will open a Week start parameter box allowing specification of the day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday) on which a week is considered to begin.  Choosing a different Week start day will often change the computed week of the year.   For example, 12/25/2016 13:43:53 falls on a Sunday.  The week of the year number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 using a Week start day of Sunday would be 53.   Using a Week start day of Monday for that same datetime value would result in a week of the year number of 52.  
  • week day - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the computed day of the week number, from 1 to 7,  of the datetime values in the source field.   Choosing the week day operator will open a Week start parameter box allowing specification of the day of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday) on which a week is considered to begin.  Choosing a different Week start day will often change the computed day of the week number.  For example, 12/25/2016 13:43:53 falls on a Sunday.  The day of the week number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 using a Week start day of Sunday would be 1.   Using a Week start day of Monday for that same datetime value would result in a day of the week number of 7.  
  • year - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the year number of the datetime values in the source field.     For example, the year number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 2016.  
  • year day - Copy into the specified numeric Result destination the computed day of the year number, from 1 to 365, of the datetime values in the source field.   For example, the day of the year number for 12/25/2016 13:43:53 would be 360.   



Save the datetime result of the given expression into the specified datetime Result destination.


See Also

Transform Pane


Transform Reference


Transform - Expression


Transform - Datetime: Arithmetic


Transform - Datetime: Compose


Transform - Datetime: Copy


Transform - Datetime: Expression