SQL Command Console
Launching the add-in opens the SQL for ArcGIS Pro command console with three panes: The upper pane hosts SQL text for queries. The lower left pane is a query builder with a vast range of SQL infrastructure available with a point and click. The lower right pane provides tables and fields for fast query building.
To enable unlimited parallel SQL threads, reliability, and maximum performance, the add-in's console runs in separate processes from the ArcGIS Pro session, with special links maintaining communications. The add-in independently connects to geodatabases used in the ArcGIS Pro session, and can connect to hundreds of other data sources as well, executing massively complex SQL queries with breathtaking speed even as the main ArcGIS Pro session continues to run. If Pro is shut down or halts, the SQL console will continue running for uninterrupted computation and saves of results, for no loss of data or work product.
SQL for ArcGIS Pro contains a parallel database engine that can store over a terabyte of data, for massive scratchpad capacity. The parallel database engine is faster in many cases for spatial work than even enterprise DBMS packages, like Oracle, SQL Server, or PostgreSQL. That enables SQL to work independently from ArcGIS Pro, using its own ultra fast scratchpad storage to import from or to link to hundreds of file formats, databases, and other data sources, and to store intermediate results within complex workflow. The blindingly fast internal database also enables crashproof execution of large, complex SQL queries, even on exceptionally large data.
When launched, the SQL add-in scans the ArcGIS Pro project and automatically connects to all file and mobile geodatabases that are used in the project, as well as any GPKG or SQLite layers. Tables and their fields from those geodatabases and layers will populate the lower right pane in the SQL desktop. We can double-click those to add to queries in the text pane without having to manually keyboard table or field names.

File geodatabases can handle connections from more than one process. By connecting directly to file geodatabases, SQL can read and write data from the file geodatabases much faster than passing requests through the ArcGIS Pro session. SQL add-in processes maintain bidirectional connections with the ArcGIS Pro session to maintain synchronization.
Advanced Mode
Advanced mode means turning on additional controls within the SQL for ArcGIS Pro session that allow SQL independently to connect to and to work with data sources other than those file and mobile geodatabases that are used within the ArcGIS Pro project. In Advanced mode we can write SQL that combines layers within the ArcGIS Pro project with data from sources not accessible to ArcGIS Pro.
When using Advanced mode controls the add-in can work with a vast range of other data sources that can be imported or linked into the add-in's own scratchpad storage, such as shapefiles, rasters, and many other types of GIS data.

In Advanced mode, we can link to Esri file, mobile, enterprise, or personal geodatabases whether they are used within the ArcGIS Pro project or not, and we can write SQL that uses tables in those data sources in addition to tables in the geodatabases that automatically appear from the ArcGIS Pro project. We can connect to or import from file formats such as shapefiles, Excel, Google Sheets cloud-stored spreadsheets, or GeoTIFF, or a seemingly endless range of other file formats and databases.
For example, in Advanced mode we can update file and mobile geodatabase layers in our ArcGIS Pro project using a spatial SQL raster to vector spatial JOIN based on a multi-hundred gigabyte raster that is not in the ArcGIS Pro project but is hosted in SQL's scratchpad storage. Keeping the overhead of large data outside our ArcGIS Pro project helps that project open fast and run fast, while SQL manipulates that data in scratchpad storage with dozens of threads in parallel, to do in seconds what takes minutes or hours otherwise.
SQL for ArcGIS Pro is 64-bit. Connections to Microsoft Office formats directly from SQL for ArcGIS Pro require installation of Microsoft's 64-bit Access Database Engine.
Point and Click Ease
The SQL for ArcGIS Pro command console launches ready to go with SQL, ready for action with the file geodatabases used in our ArcGIS Pro session. In Advanced mode, the main menu also provides point and click dialogs and panes we can use to leverage the power of SQL without writing any SQL.
For example, the Join dialog applies the power of JOINs in a point and click dialog with no need to write SQL. The dialog provides extensive capabilities to combine data from tables, vector layers, and raster layers, providing a faster and easier way to do table to table relations, vector to vector overlays, raster to vector, vector to raster, and raster to raster overlays than by using traditional spatial overlay dialogs. A single, easy to use interface provides a wealth of capabilities by applying power of a unified JOIN concept that is applicable to all. Even SQL experts who know their JOINs inside and out will love using the Join dialog.
A quick menu pick turns on the Select pane for point and click selection using a wide range of templates, or the Transform pane with hundreds of templates to analyze and transform data. Advanced mode capabilities are a great way to use SQL to transform or otherwise manipulate data sets which we intend to use in our ArcGIS Pro project, such as shapefiles.
The Join dialog as well as the Select pane and the Transform pane all have an Edit Query button that automatically writes the SQL used to accomplish what the dialog or pane has been set up to do That's a great way of learning how to use SQL for advanced tasks.
Features · Benefits
Not having a built-in, full featured SQL for file geodatabases has always been a weak spot in ArcGIS Pro. SQL for ArcGIS Pro eliminates that weak spot to provide phenomenal SQL power for Pro.
- Real SQL for File GDB - Enjoy full-featured, spatial SQL with file geodatabases.
- No DBMS Required - Get full SQL on the desktop without the hassles and delays of installing, loading, and maintaining a separate DBMS.
- Autoconnect on Launch - Automatically connects to file geodatabases, mobile geodatabases, and GPKG or SQLite layers used in the ArcGIS Pro project. No manual setup required.
- Up to Date - Leverage the latest technology right now: SQL for ArcGIS Pro runs fully 64-bit code that is CPU and GPU parallel throughout, supporting Windows 11 and Windows 10 today.
- Supports ArcGIS® 3.0 - SQL for ArcGIS® Pro supports ArcGIS® Pro 2.x as well as the new ArcGIS® Pro 3.0 release! Use the lastest Cutting Edge installation for ArcGIS Pro 3.0 support.
- Way Faster - Do in seconds what takes minutes or hours without SQL for ArcGIS Pro. The add-in's CPU and GPU parallel SQL is almost always much faster than scripting in ArcPy, or even coding in C++. Deploy SQL with confidence you're getting the fastest speed possible.
- SQL for All Data Sources - Enjoy real spatial SQL with hundreds of file formats, databases, and other data sources in Advanced mode, including Esri enterprise geodatabases and personal geodatabases as well as file geodatabases.
- SQL on Combined Data Sources - Write SQL that in the same query combines data from multiple different Esri enterprise or other geodatabases, or hundreds of other file formats, databases, or data sources, with exceptional support for popular DBMS servers like Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, DB2, and desktop data files like Access, Excel, GPKG, and SQLite. Do a SELECT INTO that pulls data from shapefiles and SQL Server, JOINs that with data from an Oracle enterprise geodatabase and then creates a new feature class in a file geodatabase with the results. Super!
- Friendly with All - Write SQL where the same query works on all data sources. No need to learn a different SQL for each different data source. Run a DBMS server's native SQL if you like as well. Join data from a Google Sheets cloud-stored spreadsheet table with a feature layer stored in your local file GDB. SQL works all the time with all data sources.
- Server Side + Client Side - Combine local SQL with native, server side SQL in the same query: For example, run server-side SQL in Oracle to reduce a huge table down to relevant results and then analyze those result records using GPU parallelized SQL functions in client-side SQL for ArcGIS Pro.
- All the JOINs - For real SQL you need all the JOINs: SQL for ArcGIS Pro provides all the SQL statements, clauses, aggregates, operators, and data types you need, including statements like ALTER, DROP, UPDATE, and many more, including of course SELECT (with all the aggregates and other clauses like COLLECT, DISTINCT, SPLIT, INTO), all the various JOINs (JOIN, INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN, LEFT OUTER JOIN, etc.), WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT, and many more.
- Street Smart DBMS Connections - Hundreds of SQL functions for vectors, rasters, and attribute data provide high performance solutions for real-life tasks, including coordinate system transformations and hundreds of other utility functions.
- One Click Access to Humanitarian Data - SQL for ArcGIS Pro is the easiest, fastest, and most reliable way to get data into ArcGIS Pro that has been collected using the KoBo Toolbox standard for field data collection. One click using the built-in Kobo dataport creates a dynamic link directly to KoBo servers, with instant updates of new projects and updated data. Copy data collected in the field and paste directly into your Esri geodatabases, or into your organization's enterprise DBMS servers. KoBo is the world standard, used by thousands of organizations, for quickly collecting reliable information in a humaitarian crisis or other challenging environment.
- Hundreds of Functions for GIS - Hundreds of SQL functions for vectors, rasters, and attribute data provide high performance solutions for real-life tasks, including coordinate system transformations and hundreds of other utility functions.
- All the Coordinate Systems - SQL for ArcGIS Pro knows all the coordinate systems in the latest EPSG database, plus thousands more and options for custom coordinate systems. SQL automatically supports high accuracy transformations using NADCON, NADCON 5, HARN, HPGN, and NTv2 with over 170 grid files provided free.
- Parallel Speed - SQL for ArcGIS Pro automatically runs CPU parallel and GPU parallel. Write ordinary SQL and the engine automatically parallelizes it to run on dozens of CPU cores and potentially thousands of GPU cores. Spatial SQL functions are parallelized for exceptionally fast performance using a mix of CPU and GPU parallelism. Amazing!
- Ultrafast internal data store - SQL for ArcGIS Pro can handle over a terabyte of data stored locally in SQL's own incredibly fast, fully parallel data store. That allows splitting very big, complex queries into parts where intermediate results are created within the add-in's own internal data store, with only the final result pushed via a SELECT INTO, INSERT, or UPDATE back out to much slower data stores, like FGDB. Splitting big queries into smaller parts is easier to understand and debug, and you can check intermediate results to confirm workflow. You can also create indexes on intermediate tables for faster performance, and run huge SQL operations entirely in hyperfast parallel data storage for maximum speed with bigger data.
- Bigger Data - Handle hundreds of GB of data. Open terabyte data on a desktop PC.
- Easier to Use - Enjoy hundreds of point and click transformations and powerful SQL functions captured within point-and-click geoprocessing tools. Run straight SQL, or use point and click dialogs, or enjoy a mix of the two.
- Better Data Science - Far more advanced DBMS and SQL for better data science.
- Simpler Workflow - SQL is way easier to learn, much simpler, and less error-prone than writing ArcPy scripts. A few lines of SQL can often replace pages of python scripts.
- Advanced Mode - Enjoy thousands of SQL and other features in Advanced mode, including point and click accessory dialogs, vast analytic capabilities using rasters and vectors, georeferencing, and much more.
- Agility - Faster performance and reduced complexity let you incorporate changes in data and analytics requirements faster and more easily. Bring agility to your organization instead of wasting time trying to get around the complexity of scripting or the limits of canned dialogs.
- No Paywalls - Everything is included and built-in for $145. Get thousands of features and never have to buy anything extra.
- No Puzzles - SQL for ArcGIS Pro is a 100% professional product written from the ground up by a full-time professional team with over 25 years experience in parallel software and SQL. It includes everything in a single, unified, highly orthogonal package that saves you time and money. There's no need to learn a patchwork of old, third party packages to do what should be built into the add-in itself, and no need to spend days playing software developer, trying to write bug-free code in Python for what SQL for ArcGIS Pro delivers instantly with a point and click.
- Fast Download - Small installation, only 75MB for a fast and easy download.
- Easy Installation - One click, Windows Installer package that automatically configures ArcGIS Pro to launch the add-in.
- Portable Option - Optional, easy to use portable installation for advanced users. Super convenient!
- Professional Documentation - Numerous videos provide a fast and easy start, and a lavishly illustrated, online User Manual written by full-time, professional, technical writers covers every detail of SQL for ArcGIS Pro with numerous step by step examples.
- Community Driven - A highly active user community guides the product, with new builds on average every two weeks adding hundreds of features per month. No other spatial engineering tool has such a direct connection to user community requests.
- Honest Quality - Enjoy better quality with near-zero bugs and exceptional reliability. Bugs never pile up but are immediately eliminated within a week or two. No need to buy a maintenance contract: bug fixes are always free.
- Pays for Itself - Time is money. Save days and weeks for
only $145 , fully paid license with free updates.
SQL for ArcGIS Pro utilizes Esri's own code, the Esri File Geodatabase API, to connect to and work with file geodatabases. SQL for ArcGIS Pro therefore has the same limitations that are imposed by the Esri File Geodatabase API. While the Esri File Geodatabase API supports reading the schema and data of complex geodatabase types, the API does not honor geodatabase behavior on inserts, deletes or updates to the following dataset types:
- Annotation and Dimension feature classes
- Relationship Classes
- Networks (GN and ND)
- Topologies
- Terrains
- Representations
- Parcel Fabrics
You may be able to see data in such complex database types but you can't edit them. In addition, the Esri File Geodatabase API does not permit any connection to, viewing, or work with rasters in the file geodatabase (Raster Dataset, Raster Catalog, Mosaic Datasets and Raster Attributes). Vertical Datums are not supported.

Video: SQL for ArcGIS Pro - Install and Activate
See how to install and activate SQL for ArcGIS Pro, and then how to launch the add-in and do real SQL with file geodatabases! The first three minutes show the super easy installation and activation process with the rest of the video showing a quick start to writing and executing SQL queries, including use of the query builder.

Faster by Design
SQL for ArcGIS Pro is 64-bit and fully parallel throughout, automatically unleashing the incredible power of all of the CPU cores in your system. Four cores or sixty four, SQL for ArcGIS Pro uses them all. Even faster, SQL for ArcGIS Pro automatically launches massively parallel computations using thousands of available GPU cores for supercomputer speed. Running on a 24 core processor? SQL for ArcGIS Pro will use all 48 threads.
Image at right: SQL for ArcGIS Pro running 48 threads with 100% utilization on an inexpensive 24 core / 48 thread AMD Threadripper. Running 48 threads with 100% utilization SQL for ArcGIS Pro takes only 9 seconds to compute Path Distance. Spatial Analyst on the same machine takes 12 minutes, using only nine threads with poor utilization. Add SQL for ArcGIS Pro to your Esri toolset for faster geoprocessing.
"I must say "WOW" at least 10 times a day. It just keeps getting better and better." - Forum post
SQL for ArcGIS Pro takes advantage of modern, manycore, desktop CPUs like the AMD 3900x, which delivers 24 threads at a consumer price anyone can afford. Even in smaller CPUs with eight cores that can launch only sixteen threads, work that takes hours or minutes in ArcGIS Pro without the add-in can often be done in minutes or seconds in SQL for ArcGIS Pro. When GPU parallelism kicks in, SQL for ArcGIS Pro will often run 100 to 200 times faster than ArcGIS Pro without the add-in. SQL for ArcGIS Pro's fully CPU parallel and GPU parallel architecture runs way faster than partial CPU parallelism, even in older CPUs and even with older, very inexpensive GPU cards.

Includes Everything
Install one package and you have it all at your fingertips for only

No Puzzles
SQL for ArcGIS Pro was built from the ground up by a single, professional team as a totally seamless and superlatively complete package that saves you time and money. Total integration and superior quality set you free to focus on your job.
"I'm simply awestruck by the performance gains. [...] a few simple demos of intersecting large spatial datasets have won admiration from all." - Forum post
Easy to Play

Easy add-in installation, automatic connection to file and mobile geodatabases used in the ArcGIS Pro project, effortless power, point and click dialogs, endless capabilities and everything built into a single, unified package makes SQL for ArcGIS Pro easy to play.
Read, write or link to a seeming infinity of formats, so you can always do SQL on the data you want. Connect to enterprise DBMS, anytime, anywhere. A fast and easy query builder makes it easy to use any of the hundreds of super-useful SQL functions that are built in. Use the SQL you already know and SQL for ArcGIS Pro parallelizes it for you. Automatically.
SQL for ArcGIS Pro installs in moments, only 75MB to download. No need to buy anything else. Enjoy real SQL right now. Launch SQL for ArcGIS Pro and make great things happen. Everything just works. Always.
SQL Handles Bigger Data with Ease
Computing contours on a 26000 x 38000 raster takes 21 minutes in ArcGIS Pro without SQL but only 11 seconds using SQL for ArcGIS Pro. The add-in is not only totally parallel for amazing speed, SQL for ArcGIS Pro can also handle huge data with ease, instantly handling queries with hundreds of GB in rasters or billions of vector objects, and geoprocessing in SQL without any delays.
"I went from only being able to generate watercourses/watersheds on relatively small DEM's to being able to generate watercourses/watersheds on SRTM data for the whole of the New Zealand mainland in 10 mins and 20 mins respectively on my 5 year old machine. Amazing work!" - Forum post.
SQL for ArcGIS Pro has the ease of installation and use of a simple, desktop add-in, but inside runs the fastest, fully-parallel, desktop spatial database engine ever created, Manifold's Radian® engine. That engine provides exceptional ease of use for SQL with geodatabases in ArcGIS Pro, plus astounding speed in Advanced mode for data from any source. Native, built-in, database power ensures SQL for ArcGIS Pro will keep up with even the fastest enterprise DBMS, allowing you to work with data in-place, or to slice and dice data with SQL using scratchpad storage in the add-in. All that is built into SQL for ArcGIS Pro with no need to buy any options.
SQL for ArcGIS® Pro has been Discontinued
SQL for ArcGIS® Pro has been discontinued in favor of using Manifold System Release 9. The two products are almost identical so instead of providing a separate SQL for ArcGIS Pro product, Manifold is offering all SQL for ArcGIS Pro licensees a free upgrade to Manifold Release 9 Universal Edition, a $195 value at no additional charge.